St Elizabeth's Catholic Primary School

Home Learning

At St Elizabeth's we are committed to establishing a safe, nurturing and stimulating learning environment, where the education and welfare of pupils is given the highest priority.  We believe that children will learn and develop when they know that they are safe, valued and respected by their peers, their teachers and all other adults working in and with the school and that their parents and carers are encouraged to be involved in their development.

 We believe that for children to reach their full educational potential, it is essential that all staff, parents and children work in partnership towards the same goals, as detailed in this home/school agreement.

School Jotter

School Jotter is another essential app to download as it’s our primary source of communication with parents.  We share news, notices, newsletters and we also share our school calendar with you too. All Coronavirus updates advice from Manchester City Council and the Government are also available on the Newsletter section of the app. 

Follow this link to find out how to download the app for Android and Apple users: 


  During COVID-19 class teachers will use Tapestry to share home learning timetables, reminders, stories, challenges and other necessary year group messages that we want to reach children with whilst they are at home. 

  Tapestry is completely secure and only you and the school staff can see your child's account- it is not public. If you have any issues logging in please contact the school office and we can reset your account. For more information about Tapestry follow the link below.