St Elizabeth's Catholic Primary School

  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Communication Team Update

Communication Team Update

4 February 2019 (by Mrs McLaughlin (MrsMcLaughlin))

Weekly update from Lewis and Mason

Dear parents/carers,

This is a message from Lewis and Mason. We are members of the Communication Team and our job is to update the school website/twitter/school jotter with everything that is happening in our school community. We have recently changed our Pupil Parliament to a Smart Pupil Parliament and we now involve all children in school with our weekly class meetings after Gold Award where we discuss things that are important to all children in school. So far some of the things we have been doing include:

  • Developing the peace garden so that people can use it and it looks really nice again
  • Coming up with a solution to litter on the playground and local community – we are going to do a sponsored litter pick
  • Reviewing the lunchtime timetable so that all children have fun at lunchtime
  • Revamping of our school library
  • Transforming the small office into a sensory room so that children have a place to go if they are feeling anxious or upset

We will keep you updated each week.


Thank you for reading,

Mason and Lewis